Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Truth and a Volunteer Military

9/11 in Manhattan was a spectacle. We spent the day with some good folks who put together a great demonstration to tell the truth about the wars after September 11th. There was much to discuss, to take in, and we were able to meet many people and interact with them.

The photo above is Jacob with Jim Rider, an ex-NYPD officer who now works within the surveillance industry. Jim had come to heckle some of the demonstrators, remarking that the soldiers who die in these current wars volunteered to do so. Jacob reminded all of us that though there isn't a mandated draft, there is an economic one, of which Jacob was a part.

Jacob also suggested ignorance (lack of education, geographical isolation such as rural areas throughout the south) and the over-arching influence of military recruitment as the reason behind a so-called “volunteer” military. They ended their discussion with a handshake and a hug and Jacob asked Jim one last question; “Can you tell me a time in the Bible where Jesus advocated for violence?”. He responded that he didn't like to discuss religion on the street.

The day was packed with similar discussions and were typically constructive. Chalk was laid out next to rows of boots of fallen soldiers for people to write on the sidewalk how they felt. There was also a spiral of shoes worn by civilians killed in wartime at the end of the rows of boots.

We ended the day with a group discussion at a book store about our ride, Jacob's experience of transitioning from a soldier to a peace seeker, and a presentation about a new book that is coming out called “Redact This” which looks at art inspired by U.S. Foreign policy after September 11th.

Final thought; New Yorkers have a strange reaction to the idea of the 9/11 truth movement and it is likely not what you think. Even Jim Rider expressed that he could not easily ignore all of the evidence brought forth by the “truthers”.

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